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Core Finisher Level 7 “Pushing Forward”

4m 32s


  • Core Finisher Level 6 “Rotator Cuff-i...

    WORKOUT GOAL: CORE strength

    This Core FINISHER strengthens the endurance of your shoulder rotator cuff muscles while working on the anterior and posterior chain core. Additionally, lat and triceps endurance are addressed in our superPerson exercise! You won’t be sorry that you ended your high in...

  • Core Finisher Level 5 “The Anti-Rotator”

    WORKOUT GOAL: CORE strength

    This Core FINISHER strengthens the endurance of rotational muscles such as multifidi and obliques simultaneously with your deep abs! Your rotator cuff also gets a great workout in the posterior chain BirdDog exercise. Perform this one 3x a week, and you are preventing...

  • Core Finisher Level 4 “Baller”

    WORKOUT GOAL: CORE strength

    This Core FINISHER strengthens the endurance of your shoulder rotator cuff muscles while working on the anterior and posterior chain core, all the while working on balance to address areas of weakness. Additionally, lat and triceps endurance are addressed in our Quadr...