Thursday is a WONDERFUL day for recovery! You have been working hard, and releasing is just as important as strengthening. The 4 assignments today are centered around release and recovery to prep for your Friday Cardio and Core day!
1. Only at the first 15 minutes of the Bollywood routine
2. Floor Core, which challenges your breath with your core!
3. 7 MINUTES PRE-BED MOBILITY [enhance your deep sleep before bed!]
Join our Facebook community and post pictures of your progress through this week!
SPECIAL NOTE ON BREATH: If you are NOT advanced in the Breathography levels, but are advanced in the movement with the Nostrand series, please move to LOW NASAL breathing during the time that I say retain the breath in these videos. Simply keeping the Ab-Ribbon loose with deep core muscles highly engaged during this period of time will continue to increase your CO2 Tolerance and condition your deep core muscles. You only add the Breath Retentions for increased challenge on your deep core, oxygen efficiency, and CO2 Tolerance when you are able to perform it with the following rules:
1. your face stays relaxed
2. your movement quality does not suffer
3. you are able to move to fairly quiet nasal breathing quickly after the retention [between 5-15 seconds].
If you are ready for this added "end of breath" progressions, WONDERFUL, as there are so many benefits! If not, keep it simple, and meet yourself where you are at. We want to stress the body just enough for adaptations, minimum effective dose and nothing more!
The multifidi is one my my favorite muscle groups to train! Not only does it help to prevent injury in the low back, but it also assists in rehabilitation after a low back injury. This workout uses resistance at light weight in order to target the mulitifidi amongst o...
Pre-Bed Mobility Chest, Hamstrings, Calves