Dance Cardio ?
Or NO?
What in the world is Cognition Cardio?
As I finished writing my one year Breathing Core Postpartum course ( to join!), in which I use progressive levels of Breathography with the Ab-Ribbon for your BREATHING CORE, I am getting MORE and MORE excited about this release of Cognition Cardio!
Cognition Cardio is the combination of breath-work and foot/hand patterns that challenge your brain’s reactive skills, short-term memory, balance, and coordination as you improve areas of the brain that increase positive mood, creativity, empathy, and strength of the musculoskeletal and cardiovasular systems.
There is a plethora of research that shows that a combination of getting the heart-rate up WITH MULTI-MODAL exercise, which is the combination of a variety of modalities (balance, cardio, dance, mobility, strength, and music interpretation), significantly raise levels of BDNF, brain derived neurotrophic factor, which increases neurogenesis in the brain. Neurogenesis is the BIRTH of new neurons…THIS is the catalyst for growth in your brain, which lays the groundwork for creating new pathways, new creations, and new moods!
As a former professional Broadway dancer, I not only know what it feels like to LOVE movement, but also the feelings of creativity and joy AFTER the exercise session, which I call the BDNF WINDOW. THIS IS YOUR WINDOW TO MAKE BIG LEAPS AHEAD IN YOUR COGNITION. Use your BDNF window after a Cognition Cardio session to move through a writer’s block, journal about a RUT you have been stuck in, self-actualize a new layer of your life…I have witnessed these positive changes in so many client’s lives when they started being consistent with their multi-modal exercise, Cognition Cardio.
In this Cognition Cardio series, Altitude, we progressively learn new“Cognition Cardio COMBOS” each week that challenge several areas of the brain as you combine breath-work (my research supported Breathography Method), dance, and connection to your Ab-Ribbon to optimize your core!
Please visit and click on Cognition Cardio section to find all 8 Weeks of Altitude Cognition Cardio. [click on the drop down menu to see all of the 8 Week Cycles of Cognition Cardio]. For a 15 minute teaser of each one, please visit YouTube channel @hypoxix.
You can use a combination of light pull up assist bands until you have your Band Squid.
Enjoy! AJ
#coreworkout #dancecardio