8m 22s
The following weeks of BREATHOGRAPHY INTEGRATION are a period, in which every day you will perform 2 SHORT VIDEOS, Breathography Core and Breathography Mobility. Because this is a beta trial, I will give you several variations of the same video in some cases in order to get feedback from you on which one you prefer.
If you are following this program within your first 2-3 months post birth, please stay on these videos for the entire 8 weeks. If you are 3 months or greater after giving birth, you may move through this protocol at a rate of 1 new video per day before launching into the next phase. Please use these initial 8 weeks of videos to restore your diastasis to a width of 2 or less before moving onto Phase 2 of the Breathography Post-Natal program.
Each week, you will have a 2 new videos to follow daily (1 during on of the first naps, which is your BREATHOGRAPHY CORE STRENGTH and 1 during an evening nap, BREATHOGRAPHY PRE-BED MOBILITY).
These videos are short and meant to be as doable as they are effective while you exist in that wonderful and sleep-less NEW MOM world!