Level 2 means Week 2 of an 8 Week progressive series meant to strengthen the deep core muscles of your spine. Level 2 Breathography means adding 2 Beat Breath retentions at the conclusion of each of your 8 Second Engaged Exhales. This will begin to strengthen your CO2 Tolerance and your Deep Core as you "pause" the breath with the deep core muscles held, loosening your Ab-Ribbon! In this series, we use a lot of unilateral work (on one side of the body) to activate key muscles that stabilize your spine. IMPORTANT NOTE: If you are not ready for the added Breath Retentions, please move to nasal breathing during the period of time that I cue retain the breath! Remember, you can repeat this core series many time through over the course of the year, each time getting better at the movement and the breath-work!
Ankle Weights
Band Squid
Note on Equipment: This is an OG video from the beginning of Hypoxix, during which the band squid did not exist. If you are using the band squid system, please use the long yellow loop for most exercises!