Nasal Breath
7m 40s
NASAL BREATHING is a winner in its utilization in exercise...and in LIFE!
Nasal Breathing is beneficial for a variety of benefits, including INCREASED CO2 Tolerance, generation of Nitric Oxide in the system, blood flow to brain and muscles, air cleansing and humidifier, anti-viral effect, and much much more. Some studies have also shown increased use of our primary breathing muscle, the diaphragm, and increased filling of the BASE of the lungs with resulting enhanced oxygen exchange at the based of the lungs. For these REASONS alone, beginning your breath-work journey with nasal breathing is a WONDERFUL and effective place to start.
NASAL BREATH should be used at ALL points in between the BREATHOGRAPHY Breath Cycles. There are a couple of reasons for this:
1. Moving immediately to nasal breath after a Breath Cycle shows that you are able to control your breathing after a LONG exhale through the mouth or a breath-hold. If you find that you are gasping for breath for 60 seconds after an interval, it may be that the Breathography Level is a bit too advanced at the current, this is a great assessment as to where you are at with your Breathing Routine.
2. Nasal Breathing serves as a recovery in between Breath Cycles in order to calm the nervous system more quickly before going back into a BREATH INTERVAL.
3. Nasal Breathing serves as a method of decreasing water vapor escaping from the mouth as the nostrils humidify the air coming in AND the smaller exit passages decrease the amount of water vapor going out through the mouth.
1. Some research has shown that we retain more nitric oxide in our system when inhaling through nose and exhaling through mouth.
2. The MOUTH exhale of the ENGAGED EXHALE increase activation of the deep core and FULLY drains the air from the lungs (which removes stale air from the based or our lungs, improving health of the alveoli at the bottom of the lungs and HENCE more efficient has exchange..this is supported by research)
3. THE SOUNDS of the ENGAGED EXHALE keep us working together on an 8 Second Exhale in harmony...think mirror neurons (yes, I know that has been "disproven" ...sort of, but we can still use it as a visual....lets breathe together and move together and the BREATH STAGES of the Engaged Exhale keep us working in tandem with one another!