1 Episode

In the early weeks, perform these VERY gentle exercises when your new baby is napping. NONE of these gentle breathing, posture, and core awareness exercises should cause any pain. WEEK 1 does not mean that you need to begin these the first week after giving birth. Begin in your own time. Some start as soon as 5-7 days after birth and that is safe considering how gentle these exercises are. That being said, for many, the schedule, family, breast-feeding, and many other new baby circumstances will have you starting a bit later. That is ok! The purpose of these exercises is to spend 5-7 minutes reconnecting to your posture and your core while your baby is taking one of their many mini naps over the course of the day. [please excuse the unedited videos, these are under construction and will be updated in fall of 2023]

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    Episode 1

    First, wait until ONE of your baby's naps early in the day.

    This is your chance to reconnect to posture, sense of self, breath, brain, and body in the beginning PREP videos. At the beginning, we do not implement the full Pre/Post-Natal Breathography sequence, yet we practice reconnecting with t...